Eine Kuratierte Weihnachtsgeschenkliste für Modekenner

Maya Hawke for Prada Christmas 23 Campaign

Ist es schon Weihnachten? Hat uns der Kalender dieses Jahr einen Streich gespielt und Christi Geburt auf den November verschoben? Ich muss gestehen, traditionell gehöre ich zu denen, die ihre Weihnachtseinkäufe auf den letzten Drücker erledigen. Ich meine, am 23. Dezember findet man mich beim hektischen Suchen nach den letzten Schätzen. Doch dieses Jahr läutet

#BuyBetter- A Curated Christmas Gift List for the Fashion-Fluent

Maya Hawke for Prada Christmas 23 Campaign

Is it already Christmas? Has the calendar played a trick on us this year, shifting Christ’s birth to November? I must confess, traditionally, I’ve been one to leave my Christmas shopping to the last gasp. I mean, on the 23rd of December, you’d find me dashing about for those final treasures. Yet, this year heralds

We’ve found the most beautiful medals to give as gifts. Wish list.

collage with a christmas tree and golden medallions

Our previous article on gifts was the best gift guide for the loves of your life. These are gift ideas with good intentions. But medals are also a gift that must be included on your list. My husband, my son and my daughter all carry a chain with a collection of medals of saints. Each

Chocolate is delicious, but a luxury advent calendar is much better

collage Luxury advent calendar 2021

Until recently, the advent calendar was a small daily reminder that the feast of the birth of Jesus was coming. During this period, one prepares oneself daily to celebrate one of the great Christian feasts with prayers or acts of charity. The advent calendar for the children came with small chocolates or candies. Forward to